January 31, 2024
2 min read

Chlamydia Screenings Matter

a doctor is talking to a patient at a desk in a hospital .

Screenings Matter

In an age where taking charge of your health is more crucial than ever, we at Southeast Medical Group want to highlight the importance of Chlamydia screenings, especially for young women who are sexually active and up to 25 years old. All it takes is a simple urine test and can be done at any of our clinics!

Why Screenings Matter

Rising Rates:

Chlamydia is the most reported sexually transChlamydia Screenings Mattermitted infection (STI) in the U.S. In recent years, the CDC reported a significant increase, with over 1.8 million cases.

Silent Risk:

Up to 70% of women with Chlamydia do not experience symptoms, leading to underdiagnosis and potential long-term health risks.

Serious Consequences:

Untreated Chlamydia can lead to infertility in up to 40% of cases. Early detection and treatment are critical.

High-Quality Care:

We provide top-notch, personalized care to address this growing health concern.

Convenient Access:

We offer walk-in screenings, making it easy and hassle-free to get tested.

Educational Resources:

Stay informed with our up-to-date information and support services.

Empowerment Through Awareness:

Regular screenings are a proactive step in safeguarding your reproductive health.

Confidential and Comfortable:

Our staff ensures a private and supportive environment for all your health needs.

Southeast Medical Group Is Here For You When It Matters

Questions? Our team is ready to guide and support you with the latest information and care. Drop by for your screening – no appointment needed – and take a proactive step towards a healthy future.To book an appointment, find us on https://www.southeastmedicalgroup.com/locationsTogether, let's navigate your health journey with knowledge and care. Your well-being is our priority! In a world where health trends are constantly evolving, stay ahead with regular screenings. Southeast Medical Group is here for you when it matters.

STDHealth screeningChlamydiaTestDoctor

Caring for You, Every Step of the Way